Dental crown


In case of a tooth damage of a certain extent the tooth’s perfect restoration can only be realised with the application of a dental crown. A dental crown may be made of metal, metal-plastic, porcelain-fused-to-metal and ceramics (porcelain). The metal-containing crowns may be an alloy of cobalt- chromium or an alloy of gold.


Metal crown

Implantátumon rögzülő korona - felülnézet

Crown for implant

Teljes kerámia korona - felülnézet

Full ceramic crown from above

Teljes kerámia korona - alulnézet

Inside of full ceramic crown

Teljes kerámia korona gipszmintán

Full ceramic crown on model

'Shoulder' preparation

The preparation of a tooth (dental chiselling) when applying the traditional method results in a conical shape.
Today the so-called ‘shoulder’-preparation - in which case the margin of the crown has a more accurate closing, irritates the gum to a lesser extent and is more aesthetic - comes up more to the expectations. The most aesthetic restoration can be reached with all-ceramic crowns.

Zircon post

Zircon post

Zircon post on model

Zircon post on model

Temporary crown, bridge, denture

In the course of dental treatments often temporary prosthesis (crown, bridge, removable denture) are needed for aesthetic reasons or in order to restore the bite. Temporary prostheses can serve the above aims in almost every case, with some limitations, for the total length of the treatment.
In the majority of the cases the patient can decide whether he/she needs a temporary solution (e.g. in case of a simple prosthesis a temporary bridge) but in some cases it is needed in any case (e.g. root canal treatments, periodontitis, implants).