Information on surgery

Dear Patients,

You are going to have an out-patient operative dentistry surgery. The surgery will be done with using local anaesthetic. (There must be a very good reason to do such a surgery in sleeping-surgery, since it is very risky. The sleeping-surgery can only be done with the support of an anaesthetist and it is usually done in in-patient background).

You must give information about current and previous illnesses and drugs that are used currently!

The main complications which can occur due to the anaesthetic:

  • Haematoma due to the injury of the small veins
  • Pain when opening the mouth/restrained capability of opening the mouth due to injury of the muscles, caused by the needle
  • Sensibility around the spot of insertion
  • Temporary “heart beating”, due to the vein narrower which is in the anaesthetic

Before the surgery:
On the day of the surgery (if it is previously planned) you may eat, drink and take your drugs (unless you were informed otherwise, ex. drug that prevents coagulation) as usual, but avoid exaggerated amount of food before the surgery.
Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours before the surgery, do not smoke within 2 hours before the surgery! Pay attention to dental hygiene. You may chew gum, but do not consume any tablet/liquid which could discolour the teeth/mouth mucosa. The ladies are asked to clean off their make-up and lipstick.
If you are a nervous type, it is possible to take in tranquilizer, but it has to be consulted previously.

During the surgery:
The surgery has to be done by keeping the rules of sterility. The surgery is done in the normal dentist’s chair. We use single usable tools when there is a possibility. The materials and tools, that are used for the surgery, suit the most strict European standards. In order to decrease the amount of bacteria in the mouth the patient have to rinse the mouth, before the surgery, with the solution given by the nurse. The skin around the mouth is cleaned by antiseptic. A sterilised kerchief is placed on the chest, which should not be touched. If you have any kind of problem during the surgery, you can use your left hand to give a signal for a us.

After the surgery:
The effect of the anaesthetic will be decreasing after 1.5 hours. In case the period of the surgery is longer, another anaesthetic injection might be needed. The effect of the anaesthetic is fully gone after 3.5-4.5 hours in general, but it could also take longer.
If you feel like you are able to walk, you may go home after the surgery. It is a demand to have a contact person, who could help to get home, in case the patient is not feeling well (in the past 18 years of my practice, there were only 2-3 cases in such a situation, but some rest in the waiting room is usually enough). However, minors or those who require support due to health problems must always have a person to accompany them to the surgery.
Vehicle can be driven, but a contact person must be assured in case of any problem.
Please call me or right a short message after you arrived home to inform me about your safe arrival to home! (tel: 00-36-209-578-537)
In case the torpidity does not disturb swallowing, you may drink 30 minutes after the surgery (it is forbidden to drink alcohol within 12 hours). You may eat after the effect of the anaesthetic is completely gone (if it takes more then 4 hours, you can take some small bites). If you need to eat due to your health conditions, please inform me. You may eat anything, but the area of the surgery must not be put out to pressure! It is forbidden to smoke on the day of the surgery! Smoking also has a bad effect on the healing process and the hoped result of the surgery (some clinics do not conduct certain surgeries on smoking patients, due to the expected bad results), therefore it is strongly recommended to quit smoking before the surgery.
After the effect of the anaesthetic is completely gone, pain often arises on the day of the surgery; if it is necessary, you may take the previously consulted painkiller.
It is mandatory to take the other prescribed drugs (ex. antibiotics).
Every surgery is accompanied by oedema swelling, in case bruising which depend on the length and the extent of the surgery. For this reason, it is recommended to chill the surged area from the outside with a cooler block (it can be bought in drugstore or any frozen item could be wrapped in thin cloth) for 5 minutes in every 20 minutes until the swelling is there. The swelling usually takes for about 3-5 days. Due to the position, it is normal that the swelling is worse in the morning time.
Do not brush your teeth around the area of the surgery on the day of the surgery and after the surgery (avoid brushing teeth in case of certain surgeries for the previously consulted period). This area should be washed cautiously from the next day of the surgery (with medium hardness of toothbrush and toothpaste), in some cases with the previously given special toothbrush. From the next day, it is recommended to use rinsing water twice a day (among the following: Curasept ADS-220, Corsodyl, Chlorhexamed, Listerin). Using dental floss around the surged area is not recommended until the stitches are taken out. It is forbidden to use dental shower.
Bleeding may occur around the surged area, but it will cease automatically when it is left to rest (the wounded area should not be sucked, rinsed and the saliva should be swallowed and not spit out). If the bleeding does not stop or if any other problematic situation may arise, please call me or if I am not available, leave a message!
In most of the surgeries, the patients have to come to a visit on the next day and on the previously agreed appointments. The applied stitches do not work off, therefore they have to be taken out on the 7-14th day. The mucosal may take 3-4 weeks to completely heal. The surged area is advised to be in rest during this period. This healing process may last longer in some surgeries (ex. bone substitution).

The surgery may effect the performance in work, since the face might be swelled and the surged area should be rested for better healing. Of course this depends on the type of work done and on the type of surgery (ex. it is worse for a professional wind instrument player, than for someone who works in front of the computer at home); therefore let us talk about your case previously. There is a possibility that the usual temporary prosthesis can not be used for a shorter time, so please ask further information about this matter.

I have received one copy of the above written information, I have understood it and will keep the requested suggestions and I do not require further detailed information.